What’s the next step after automatic plugins update?
Well, that's pretty obvious, isn't it? The one-click plugins installation.
It's easy to imagine and it's not too complicated to code. I think we will not wait more than a few months and the idea becames reality. Plugins for Wordpress so easy and fast to install… like add-ons for Firefox. No more hand-made unpacking and uploading via FTP clients.
Do you know the installation of plugins for Textpattern CMS? It's method doesn't need classic files-transfering eighter. It works this way: you copy some code from the plugin's author's site and you paste it into a field in your administration. Copy and paste. Simple, but kind of limited. Following solution goes further.
So this could be probably even simpler. Like this:
- you're browsing WordPress Plugin Directory
- you find an interesting plugin, let's say Ajax Comment Preview and you'd like to try it
- you click at a nice new button Add into my WordPress
- WPP directory will ask: What's your site address? and because it will be able to remember your earlier answer, you'll just confirm by clicking OK!
- now you're communicating with your own WP installation, that's asking for the final confirmation: Do you really want to add and activate this plugin (Ajax Comment Preview) to your website? And you say (click) Sure! – and that's it.
If the plugin is compatible with your version of WP and so on, and if the plugin doesn't need another step to work (like template integration), you're done. The plugin is in a few seconds there, copied to your webserver, working together with your WP installation.
Isn't that nice? Wait a moment… It's possibly already on the way.
1. Jermayn wrote: On July 2., 2008 comment number 1
Already on the way?
Sounds good..
2. Kahi [author] wrote: On July 2., 2008 comment number 2
↪ Jermayn: I hope so… ;)
3. Separatista wrote: On August 11., 2008 comment number 3
Yes, now it works when using latest SVN trunk files.
I quit working with WordPress, comments are closed. My plugins will not be updated any more – at least not by me. Feel free to modify my source codes though… Also I am not able to provide support, sorry. –Kahi