Admin Bar Space Saving Extension

Published: On Saturday, June 28, 2008

*** Before and after. Click to enlarge :-)

What a crazy name for a plugin! Actually, this is a plugin for a plugin for Wordpress. Admin Bar Space Saving Extension is an extension for Viper007Bond's Ad­min Bar. Viper's plugin reduces nicely the admin-navigation into a bar. My plugin extends Viper's plugin this way: it hides the header in administration (that is IMHO practically useless) and compensates the missing View site link by adding it directly into the bar.

Download Admin Bar Space Saving Extension, a WP plugin (2 KB, ZIP)



  1. 1.  n3tman wrote: On June 28., 2008 comment number 1

    Vypadá šikovně, ale to ten výpis var_dump tam v téhle verzi předpokládám nemá být? ;)

  2. 2.  Kahi [author] wrote: On June 28., 2008 comment number 2

    ↪ n3tman → Oh… :)

  3. 3.  Philix wrote: On July 28., 2008 comment number 3

    This is a really nice plug in

I quit working with WordPress, comments are closed. My plugins will not be updated any more – at least not by me. Feel free to modify my source codes though… Also I am not able to provide support, sorry. –Kahi